

17. Inowroclawski Konkurs Modelarski – Competition Rules

Inowroclaw 21-22.06.2025

I. Goal and Place of 17. Inowroclawski Konkurs Modelarski
Goals and tasks of the contest (17. IKM).
we want to encourage children, teenagers and adults to try out scale modeling as a hobby leading to improvemant of dexterity and spatial imagination,
exchange of experiance between modelers and connecting clubs from Poland and other countries,
presenting scale models to the citizens of our city and a region,
promotion of a region and city of Inowroclaw.

2. Date and place of 17. IKM.
Hala Widowiskowo-Sportowa in Inowroclaw by 4 al. Niepodległości Street

3. Organizer
Inowroclawskie Stowarzyszenie Modelarzy Redukcyjnych
Hobby Shop 24Hobby.pl

4. Patronate
Starost of Inowroclaw
President of Inowroclaw

5. 17.IKM includes:
Paper and Plastic Models Contest (hereinafter called 'Contest’)
Paper and Plastic Models Competition (hereinafter called 'Competition’)
Piotr Stempowski`s Memorial.

II. Paper and Plastic Models Contest
Contest will be held for the following age groups and Classes :
– For the modelers born after 2012
– For the modelers born between 2007 – 2012

– For the modelers born before 2007

2. Model Classes for the Contest


KBM Buildings and dioramas
KPM Vehicles
KLM Planes
KMM Ships
KFM Figures (including animals)
KWPcPM misc.

KBJ Buildings and Dioramas
KPJ-01 Tracked and Semi-tracked Vehicles
KPJ-02 Wheeled Vehicles
KPJ-03 Rail Vehicles
KLJ-01 Piston Enine Planes
KLJ-02 Jet Planes
KLJ-03 Gliders and Rockets
KLJ-04 Helicopters
KMJ-01 Ships and Vessels
KMJ-02 Ships and Vessels (Water Line Type)
KFJ-01 Sci-fi and Fantasy Vehicles,
KFJ-02 Figures
KWPcPJ Misc.

KBS-01 A Sacred Buildings
KBS-02 Misc. Buildings
KPS-01 Tracked Vehicles
KPS-02 Civilian Wheeled Vehicles (also including rescue vehicles, construction vehicles, and others)
KPS-03 Military Wheeled Vehicles
KPS-04 Railed Vehicles with a Drive
KPS-05 Railed Vehicles without a Drive
KPS-06 Towed Artillery
KLS-01 Multiplanes
KLS-02 Single Piston Engine Planes
KLS-03 Twin or more Piston Engine Planes
KLS-04 Jet Planes
KLS-05 Gliders
KLS-06 Helicopters
KLS-07 Rockets
KMS-01 Ships
KMS -02 Vessels
KMS-03 Submarines
KMS-04 Sailing Ship
KMS-05 Ships and Vessels (Water Line Type)
KFS-01 Figures
KFS-02 Sci-fi and Fantasy Vehicles
KDS Dioramas
KWPcPS Misc.


PPM-01 Tracked Vehicles
PPM-02 Wheeled Vehicles
PLM-01 Planes
PLM-02 Helicopters
PMM Ships and Vessels
PFM Figures
PWPcPM Misc.

PCJ-01 Civilian Lorries
PCJ-02 Civilian Cars
PCJ-03 Motorcycles

PPJ-01 Tracked Vehicles in 1:72 and smaller
PPJ-02 Tracked Vehicles in 1:35 (and bigger plus 1:48)
PPJ-03 Wheeled Vehicles in 1:72
PPJ-04 Wheeled Vehicles in 1:35 (and bigger plus 1:48)
PPJ-05 Self-propelled Artillery
PPJ-06 Towed Artillery
PPJ-07 Rail Vehicles

PLJ-01 Planes and Helicopters in 1:144
PLJ-02 Propeller Engine Planes in 1:72 and smaller
PLJ-03 Propeller Engine Planes in 1:48 and bigger
PLJ-04 Jet Planes in 1:72 and smaller
PLJ-05 Jet Planes in 1:48 and bigger
PLJ-06 Helicopters
PLJ-07 Civilian Planes
PLJ-08 Spacecrafts and Sci-fi Vehicles

PMJ-01 Ships and Vessles
PMJ-02 Sailing Ship
PMJ-03 Submarines

PFJ-01 Fantasy Figures
PFJ-02 Busts

PDJ Dioramas
PKJ Collections (min. 5 models sharing the same theme)

PWPcPJ Misc.

PCS-01 Civilian Lorries
PCS-02 Civilian Cars
PCS-03 Specialised Emergency Vehicles (Fire Engines, Police Cars, Ambulances, Technical/Towing Cars)
PCS-04 Motorcycles
PCS-05 Civilian Rally Cars
PCS-06 Civilian Track Cars

PPS-01 Tracked and Semi-tracked Vehicles in 1:72 and smaller
PPS-02 Wheeled Vehicles in 1:72 and smaller
PPS-03 Tracked and Semi-tracked Vehicles in 1:35 (and bigger plus 1:48)
PPS-04 Wheeled Vehicles in 1:35 (and bigger plus 1:48)
PPS-05 Self-propelled Artillery (including rocket launchers)
PPS-06 Towed Artillery in 1:72 and smaller
PPS-07 Towed Artillery in 1:35 (and bigger plus 1:48)
PPS-08 Rail Vehicles

PLS-01 Planes and Helicopters in 1:144
PLS-02 Planes before 1930 in 1:72
PLS-03 Planes before 1930 in 1: 48 and bigger
PLS-04 Propeller Engine Planes in 1:72 and smaller
PLS-05 Jet Planes in 1:72 and smaller
PLS-06 Helicopters in 1:72 and smaller
PLS-07 Helicopters in 1:48 and bigger
PLS-08 Propeller Engine Planes in 1:48
PLS-09 Jet Planes in 1:48
PLS-10 Planes in 1:32 and bigger (including 1:35)
PLS-11 Gliders, Sport Palnes and Tourist Plane (all scales)
PLS-12 Passenger Plane (all scales)
PLS-13 Spacecrafts and Sci-fi Vehicles

PMS-01 Ships and Vessels in 1:700 and smaller
PMS-02 Ships and Vessels in 1:400 and bigger
PMS-03 Sailing Ships
PMS-04 Submarines

PFS-01 Figures (standing) 89 mm (1:21) and smaller
PFS-02 Figures (standing) above 89 mm (1:20)
PFS-03 Figures (mounted) 54 mm (1:32) and smaller
PFS-04 Figures (mounted) above 54 mm (1:33)
PFS-05 Fantasy Figures
PFS-06 Popiersia

PDS-01 Aviation Dioramas
PDS-02 Land Dioramas
PDS-03 Marine Dioramas

PKS-01 Land Collections (min. 5 models sharing the same theme)
PKS-02 Aviation Collections (min. 5 models sharing the same theme)
PKS-03 Marine Collections (min. 5 models sharing the same theme)
PKS-04 Civilian Vehicles Collections (min. 5 models sharing the same theme)

PWPcPS Misc.

3. Terms of Entry
Festiwal Modeli Kartonowych i Plastikowych is an open event for individual modellers and modeller club members from Poland and abroad.
For our contest we accept personally built paper and plastic models.
One person can enter with unlimited number of models, but can be rewarded only for one (the best of all in a given Class).

ISMR modellers can not take part in the Contest but their models can be entered as an exhibition pieces.
Winners of previous editions of our Competition will not be accepted as a Contest models. But we encourage you to enter with your models as an exhibition pieces.

4. Judging
Models will be judged by a jury committee chosen by an organizer of 17.IKM .

Classes will be judged regardless of number of participants. Jury committee passes judgment on 'I like it/I do not like it’ basis considering:
a. Precision of finish
b. Quality of a paint job (including retouches in case of paper models – standard ones)
c. Amount of work involved
d. General impression (general outlook, symmetry) ;

Jury committee rewards three awards. In justified cases number of awards may be changed (main judge makes the decision).

III. Paper and Plastic Models Competition
Competition will be held for the following Classes (no age group division):
MKS -1 Paper Planes and Helicopters
MKP -1 Paper Vehicles
MPS-1 Plastic Planes in 1:72
MPS-2 Plastic Planes in 1:48 and bigger
MPS-3 Plastic Helicopters in all scales
MPP-1 Plastic Vehicles in 1:48 and smaller
MPP-2 Plastic Vehicles in 1:35 and bigger

2. Terms of Entry
Festiwal Modeli Kartonowych i Plastikowych is an open event for individual modellers and modeller club members from Poland and abroad.
For our contest we accept personally built paper and plastic models.
One person can enter with only two models,
In case of paper models classes the base meterial is paper and it`s derivatives, and in case of plastic models classes the base material i plastic and it`s derivatives. Materials other than basic are also acceptable (polystyrene, metal, wood, resin, and other). Attached documentation of a building process is a must.
Winners of previous editions of our Competition will not be accepted as a Contest models. But we encourage you to enter with your models as an exhibition pieces.
Due to time required for passing a just judgement, only first ten entered models will be accepted for the competition in each class.

3. Judging
Models will be judged by a jury committee chosen by an organizer of 17. IKM.
Judgment will be passed based on points acquired according to following rules.
Awards will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place regardless of a modeller but based on a number of points.
Presence of a contender during a judgment is not required but is desirable in case any explanation is needed (matter of used materials, or chosen techniques, and so on).
Jury committee works together, but each judge individually writes down notes on a score sheet. For each model the main judge adds up all points from all individual score sheets.
Leading judge checks and approves the final score on a protocol.

Rules for giving points for paper models.
Level of difficulty – up to 15 pts.
Correct geometry of a model – up to 20 pts.
Fitting – up to 10 pts.
Quality of surface – up to 10 pts.
Retouch of edges:*
colour matching – up to 5 pts.
General retouch – up to 5 pts.
Clean finish* – up to 10 pts.
Elements other than paper indicated in instructions:
– quality of finish – up to 8 pts.
– paint job – up to 7 pts.
Elements other than paper not indicated in instructions, but introduced in building process documentation – up to 10 pts.
*In case of models completely painted or built from scratch:
Quality of painted surface – up to 10 pts.
Exploitation marks – up to 10 pts.

Building process documentation of a paper model ought to have:
Building instruction (mandatory in case of original material)
Modelling plans or personally drown plans (mandatory in case of a scratch building)
Step-by-step documentation of a build (if possible)
List of used after market add-ons (laser cut parts, 3D print-outs, castings, and others)
In case of painted models tables of colours or photo documentation of a painting process.
Exploitation marks on a model also ought to be documented. Jury should have a chance of comparing marks on a model with a source material.
Documentation ought to be a hard copy print-out.
Rules for giving points for plastic models.

Quality of a built
​Level of difficulty – up to 5 pts.
Geometry, clean finish i precision, symmetry and alignment – up to 5 pts.
Number and quality of scratch built parts – up to 12 pts. (level of complexity, accuracy with a source material (documentation). Number and quality of justified changes made to a model itself.)
Quality and a method of adding resin, brass and photo-etched elements – up to 7 pts.
Finish of cockpits and other interiors – up to 10 pts. (cleanliness of 'glass’, instrument panels, seats, belts/harnesses, side panels)
Engine and drive elements – up to 12 pts.(engine details, exhaust pipes, levers and pushers, drive shaft, installation, nozzles)
Chassis finish – up to 8 pts.(suspension, covers, wheels, instalation, caterpillars, and others.)
Armament and other external elements – up to 10 pts.(guns, bombs, rockets, launchers, pylons, rigging, antennas, pipes, open hatches interiors, and so on)

Paint Job and Decals
Accuracy with source material and model painting documentation – up to 17 pts.
Surface quality, texture of a paint job, quality od decals – up to 4 pts.

Exploitation Marks
Application of documented exploitation marks – up to 10 pts. (dents, dirt, streaks, renovation of a surface)

Building process documentation of a plastic model ought to have:
Pictures of a model from a four different angles.
Tables of colours or photo documentation of a painting process.
Photo documentation of elements used in a scratch building or usage of after market add-ons (resin, brass and photo-etched elements, caterpillars, and others), to allow jury to watch details without touching the model.
In cases of scratch building or making changes to a model itself, pictures documentation on which modifications were made or source material photos (preferably three pages) are required.
In case of after market parts added to a model, indication of level of modifications is required.
Exploitation marks on a model also ought to be documented. Jury should have a chance of comparing marks on a model with a source material.
Re-scribing panel lines, riveting, adding welding lines, dented metal, and others also ought to be documented and justified.

Documentation ought to be a hard copy print-out.

and everthing is clear

IV. Piotr Stempowski`s Memorial
Piotr Stempowski was one of founding members of ISMR, and a board member as long as his welfare allowed it, but since may of 2015 he became an honourary member of ISMR. He was well-known for his precise paper models, and acclaimed among modellers. He spent the last years of life on building big paper models of ships and vessels.
Piotr Stempowski`s Memorial is for ships and vessels models of a total length of at least 100 cm. To take part in this Memorial one ought to mark a special bracket/box with a tick. Chosen by an organizer of 17.IKM  jury committee will determine if models full fill the length requirement. In some cases jury committee may gran a Memorial award to a shorter model.

V. Final Provisions
Special Awards

Organizer will grant special awards as follows
GRAND PRIX for Plastic Models (senior)
GRAND PRIX for Plastic Models (junior)
GRAND PRIX for Paper Models (senior)
GRAND PRIX for Paper Models (junior)
SPECIAL CATEGORY – „1916 – the first combat use of tanks”

– Special Award 'For making Sklepowy go „Awwwww”’ – founded by Hobby Shop HOBBY from Inowroclaw www.24hobby.pl
– Discount 5 – 10 – 15 – founded by Hobby Shop HOBBY from Inowroclaw www.24hobby.pl – discount in 24hobby.pl 23.06.2025 – 30.08.2025 – 5% for every competitor; 10% for every awarded competitor; 15% for a 1st place winner in scored competition

– „Golden Mietek” – for being a jolly good fellow

There will also be awards granted by official or private sponsors.

2. Jury
Jury committee will be chosen by an Organizer and a Main Judge.
Decision of a committee is final and not negotiable.
We encourage everyone to put models on a stand allowing to judge it without touching it.
Work of a committee is public. Competitors are allowed to be present but just as observers. Competitors are not allowed to interfere into committee`s work, or inappropriate suggestions, insulting gestures or words, and so on. If any of this should thappen, a model or a modeller can be disqualified.

3. Entering
Proper filling in a start sheet is a condition of participation in IKM 17.
a) entering by filling in a form on http://www.ismr.pl in term 01.05.2025 – 19.06.2025.
b) Forms will be also available on place of an event on a day of inauguration of 17.IKM (Saturday).

By entering a model a modeller accepts organizer`s terms and rules.
Participants bring models by themselves (no refunds to be expected).
Organizer does not insure neither modellers nor their models.
Organizer does not provide neither food nor place to sleep.

If there is no age indication of a modeller on a Registration Sheet, modeller will be moved to a senior category.

Starting fee:
There is none.

4. Schedule of IKM
9:00 – 13:30 Reception of Models and Inauguration of 17. Inowroclawski Konkurs Modelarski
10:00 – 17:30 Exhibition for guests
10:00 – 17:30 Modellers market
14:30 – 19:00 Jury Meeting
18:00 – 24:00 Integration Meeting.

9:00 – 13:30 Exhibition for guests
10:00 – 14:00 Modellers market
10:00 – 12:00 Scale modelling classes for younglings
13:30 Declaration of Winners
ok. 14:30 End of 17.Inowroclawski Konkurs Modelarski and releasing of models

5. Final Provisions
In matters not covered by this regulations Organizer makes the final decision.
Organizer reserves the right to amend this regulations.